
Male Infertility

What is Male Infertility?

Infertility is misunderstood to be a female problem but this can affect men as well. Up to one-third of the couples diagnosed with infertility are unable to have children because of male factors. This means that despite having well-timed and unprotected sexual intercourse, these men are unable to fertilize the egg released from their partner's ovaries.

If you have been diagnosed with male infertilityfertility specialists can help treat the condition.

Causes Of Infertility In Males

Causes Of Infertility In Males

Male infertility can be caused by various factors such as untreated chlamydia or gonorrhea, low sperm count (not having enough sperm in your semen), poor sperm motility (when sperm doesn’t swim well enough to reach an egg), sperm that aren’t formed correctly, no sperm in the semen. Other factors causing male infertility can be hormone disorders, illness, injury to reproductive anatomy, obstruction or sexual dysfunction etc.

Some disorders become more difficult to treat the longer they persist without infertility treatment. But, there is hope. The first step of any successful treatment is the proper diagnosis of the male infertility cause.

Treatment for male Infertility

Treatment for male Infertility

Male infertility is as common as female infertility. If affects upto 1/3rd of the couples who are suffering from infertility. The good news is that most cases of male infertility can be solved by either treating the underlying issue or going for fertility treatments.

It is always good to consult a fertility expert if a couple has been unsuccessful in conceiving even after trying for a year.

Male Infertility FAQs

Male Infertility FAQs

Of all the couples suffering from infertility, 1/3rd face issues with male infertility. Though one does not hear about this, it is a common problem when it comes to infertility issues.

There are many factors that can cause infertility in men. Some of these are treatable through minimal intervention, while some need a more aggressive approach.

The most commonly asked questions when it comes to male infertility are outlined in this section.

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